farah b bazant

what's in my bag

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last update march 2024. work in progress.

after years of minimalist traveler tradition i adopted a more domestic approach to EDC. here's a list (with no guarantee of being complete) of what i shlepp around with me on a daily basis!

packing cubes

instead of expensive packing cubes i bought a four pack of pretty little pouches that are usually used for menstrual pads. they are small and perfect to sort a lot of small stuff inside! i carry two of them and so i have great overview in my backpack, purse, duffle or travel bag.

cube 1

the small hygiene bags i use as packing cubes for my EDC the first pouch contains my emergency necessities. a small opinel, a travel manicure set, an extra ffp3/kn99, miniature first aid kit, lighter, cough drops, emergency medicine, hair pins, and a rapid covid test.

a small opinel pocket knife a white ffp3 facemask a generic nail clipper and file set some bandaids symbolizing the first aid kit i carry. i also carry some other bandages and single use disinfecting wipes a generic lighter some minty cough drops

cube 2

the small hygiene bags i use as packing cubes for my EDC the second pouch contains my covid preparedness kit. another ffp3/kn99, carrageenan nasal spray, cpc mouth wash, and desinfecting hand sanitizer. i also put my moisturizer in this pouch, as i use it after applying the sanitizer.

a white ffp3 facemask a small bottle of carrageenan nasal spray a small bottle of mouthwash containing cetylpridinum chloride

(you can find more information on my specific covid mitigation strategies on this site!)


customized gvs elipse p100 basically always with me is my trusty gvs elipse p100/p3 respirator. the filter doesn't need replacing for months, and with the customized straps it even has some color. it makes me feel safe even in high exposure settings. i can not recommend a well fitting respirator enough.


no-name brand bluetooth earphones after insisting on using only headphones with a cable for, well, all my life, i gave in to the craze and got some cheap knockoff bluetooth earphones some time ago. they are mostly amazing, and them being actively powered really helps drowning out the chatter on my commute which is 90% of what i use them for. the only thing that amazes me, and i am not sure if this is because i skimped on them or if this is a bluetooth tech issue, traffic lights and busy traffic intersections in general will knock them right out. as in, the sound will be choppy until i get out of that situation. this doesn't happen when i need them the most, that is when i am in public transportation, so i don't care all that much, so it is more quirky, and fixing this minor thing would definitely not be worth paying more than ten times what these cost me, so suck it apple.

tech stuff

my fairphoneso this is a bit of cheating, because apart from my seasoned fairphone 3, i don't carry these devices with me all the time. but they do improve my life, and so i want to include them here. there is my aforementioned phone, which is still going strong after four years of continuous use. it runs LineageOS and still works well enough to not require me to upgrade. i approach software with a philosophy of unix minimalism, which helps me use it longer. unless i drop it from some airplane i think i will be able to use it at least another two to three years. i might do another post about the apps i use. in short: i am a big fan of f-droid and free open source software, whereever possible.

ebook readernext on my list is, i admit with some shame, my kindle. and yeah, it's my second kindle already. i bought the first one and loved the device, and when it finally broke after years of use, i got another one. the new one isn't as good as the old one, mainly because it lacks buttons and instead has a touch screen, but the display and the e-paper battery life are still amazing. the new backlight however is a wonderful upgrade. this is of course nothing that is special to this brand. what is special to this brand is the price point. and if you can afford a better or more ethical brand, i recommend to go for it. as with my first kindle, this one has never felt the freedom of an open WiFi and spends its whole life in airplane mode. it will never call home to Jeff. it will never connect to the "a"-shop. there will be no DRM-restricted books for it on christmas eve. instead, it will be fed with a file manager and with calibre.

my ipad with stickers some years back i splurged and got a used ipad mini. for some apps it is a requirement to have an un-rooted, un-tempered, backdoored device, and this tablet was something that also provided me with loads of things that actually added value to me: most of all apps to make music with. so while i don't carry this around a lot, this fills a good niche that i wouldn't want my phone to have to fill. other than that: meh. the ipad is exactly what you expect it to be, the shitty version of a tablet, running a bad operating system that doesn't work right. i could go on for hours on how ios and in extension ipados (and to some extent, macos as well) feel like scammy rip-offs of actual computers, but i digress. it is what it is. and i do get the appeal of a company promising that your computer would "just work". i wonder if anyone actually has that experience with apple products lol.

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(c) 2008ff
farah b. bazant
office | fabbaz.at

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