farah b bazant

credits and thanks

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last update march 2024

this website would not be possible without the amazing resources graciously provided by the people linked in the articles.
in addition, this website uses the wonderful VGA font by VileR and wouldn't be the same without it.
also, some gifs from this amazing collection are used.
what's in my bag: for the 88x31 button for the new "what's in my bag"-page i used the beautiful font Pixtura12 by eishiya. The icon for the bluetooth headphones uses the font k8x12 by Num Kadoma for the battery display. for some of the small font on the icons on the page i used the font Tiny Regular by Matthew Welsh as a basis. all editing of text, images, code and documents is done on free open source software.

a picture of a desk and a chairhome

(c) 2008ff
farah b. bazant
office | fabbaz.at

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